The smartphone has been priced at Rs. 44,990. The brand is also targeting a total of 200 exclusive Xperia stores by FY13, up from the current 30 exclusive Xperia stores. Targeting a stronger foothold, Sony India aims to increase its smartphone market share to 20% by FY14. Sony Xperia Z1 was launched by Bollywood actress and the brand ambassador Katrina Kaif in the presence of Kenichiro Hibi, Managing Director, Sony India. The latest addition to Sony's premium Z series of products, the elegant, 5 inch Sony Xperia Z1 is a combination of the fully integrated Qualcomm Snapdragon 800 processor with 2.2 GHz quad-core CPU. It also features Sony's award-winning G Lens with a 27mm wide angle and bright F2.0 aperture, custom made large 1/2.3-type CMOS image sensor Exmor RS for mobile with 20.7MP and a BIONZ for mobile image processing engine.. Speaking at the lauch on Wednesday, Kenichiro Hibi, Managing Director, Sony India,said, "We launched the Sony Xperia Z earlier this year as the first step towards tripling the sales of Xperia smartphones in India to Rs. 3,500 crore in FY 13." " Our customers in India have reinforced our vision and Xperia market share has gone up to 10%in the Smartphone segment. Sony Xperia Z1 is the latest addition to Sony's premium Z series of products, and yet another step in our mission to attain 20% market share by FY14," Hibi said. Katrina Kaif, said,"I am very excited to be a part of the launch of Sony Xperia Z1 in India today. I loved using my Xperia Z and I am ready to upgrade to Xperia Z1 now. I believe Sony offers the best Smartphone experience.The camera of Xperia Z1 is just awesome." via Technology - Google News | |||
Saturday, 21 September 2013
Sony launches Xperia Z1 in India - indiablooms
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