According to a report in The Telegraph, more than a third (38% to be precise) of the users who upgraded to a Samsung Galaxy S5 switched from an Apple iPhone. The data has been gathered from the mobile trade-in website CompareMyMobile.
The majority Apple users who made the switch to Samsungs latest smartphone flagship traded an ancient by today's standards iPhone 4s. CompareMyMobile saw a 210% increase of trade-ins for the device.
The Samsung Galaxy S3 is the second most traded device with 196% increase of trade-ins - hardly a surprise considering its quickly approaching second birthday. The Apple iPhone 5s came in third with 184% rise of trade-in requests.
Overall, CompareMyMobile has an increase of trade-ins by 160% since the unveiling of the Samsung Galaxy S5 during this years MWC in Barcelona.
from gsmarena
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