Wednesday, 15 January 2014

New Apk Android фTetris 3d free puzzle game is now available on Google Play!

Hello, I am Artur Urbanski published Tetr free puzzle Play store. interesting game!

1 - Kopia.jpg


I was inspired Tetr free puzzle listening to Betamax defender music.

I wanted a game. I heard good synchronization.

I think it`s good enough so check .

I wish Tetr free puzzle never die so please help alive friends New Apk Android фTetris 3d free puzzle game is now available on Google Play! giving a rate.

Thanks fun 3D free puzzle game!

Artur Urbański


Single tap arrow - falls down.

Swipe directions side - rotates..

Swipe directions other side - moves.

Swipe down slowly - goes down.

Swipe using 2 fingers -the camera view changes


* Missions

* 3 sizes

* 3 types

* Animation fits .

* View from any direction.

* 27 different shape blocks.

* 7 kinds powers.

* 6 diffrent ways blocks.

* Battle leaderboards.

* Moving blocks fits actual angle .

* change colours cubes.

* Averages diagram help .

* change headstart from 0% % score.

* position block .

* Blocks move position so moving them too far.

* don't aim blocks. All u need .

* mistake doesn't end . a warning New Apk Android фTetris 3d free puzzle game is now available on Google Play! it and two exclamation marks appear screen. second penalty causes game.


- Help yoursef specials.

- Play every day per piece.

- Beat per piece.

- Complete missions game.

- scene from a diffrent angle (even from under ) gaps construction.

- Care when 2 red exclamation marks because penalty .

- Observe gap indicator screen. U know New Apk Android фTetris 3d free puzzle game is now available on Google Play! almost completed layers.

1 gap - green

2 gaps - yellow

3 gaps - orange

>4 gaps - red

Attached Images


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