Following the launch of the Iris 405 earlier last year, the Iris 405+ is the latest smartphone in this range. Available in two colours - black and white, the Lava Iris 405+ is 4inch smartphone with an LCD WVGA display. It is powered by a 1.3 GHz dual-core processor backed by 512 MB of RAM. The smartphone packs in 4GB of internal storage which supports a microSD card of up to 32GB. The competent hardware specifications coupled with Android 4.2 Jelly Bean OS is capable of delivering hi gh performance, super-fast web browsing and graphic-intense gaming.
Priced at Rs 6,999 the phone comes with a large 1400 mAh Li-Ion battery.Commenting on the launch Hari Om Rai, chairman and managing director, Lava International Ltd., said, "Lava Iris 405+ is a mid-range super slim android smartphone. Equipped with the features that are best in the category, the device focuses on providing premium experience to our customers at an affordable price." He added, "We will continue to add more such products to our portfolio in the near future."
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