Lava International on Sunday launched its 3G 402+ android smartphone, an upgrade over the 3G 402, with enhanced performance backed by significant hardware and software upgrades. The 3G series from Lava give the best possible 3G mobile experience at an affordable price to the consumers who like staying connected to social media and accessing the Internet. Through its feature rich 3G smartphones Lava aims to help the existing 2G users to upgrade to 3G technology, essentially bring the fastest internet access to the masses.
Lava 3G 402+ smartphone is powered by a fast 1.2GHz dual core processor along with 512MB of RAM, an upgrade from 256MB in 3G 402 along with a 4GB ROM increased from 512MB. This will specifically enhance the gaming experience thereby allowing users to play HD Games such as Temple Run with ease & swiftness and shall also provide ample storage for applications. Similar to 3G 402, It features a 3-megapixel camera and a VGA front camera for video calling. The phone runs on Android v4.2.2 (Jelly Bean) operating system and comes with a 10.2cm (4.0 inch) WVGA screen. It is packed with a large Li-Ion battery with 1500 mAh capacity for extended battery backup on 3G usage. It has GPS/Wi-Fi/Bluetooth connectivity options.
The smartphone's intuitive and unique applications such as 'Shake' or 'Keyboard magnifier' promises to make the user's experience convenient and increase productivity. 'Shake to Connect' Features enables users to accept the incoming calls by simply shaking the handset instead of tapping the handset. Similarly, the call can be disconnected by shaking the handset. Also, the keyboard is supported by a magnifier for easier editing.
"Lava aims to live up to the demands of its consumers by providing them the best 3G enabled devices at affordable prices as a growing number of people feel it is important to stay connected on social networks and utilize 3G mobile internet on the go. With a strong market intelligence, we have now launched 3G 402+ for an enhanced overall user experience", Hari Om Rai, Chairman & Managing Director, Lava International Ltd.
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