Thursday 13 October 2016

LG Innotek mass producing the world`s first 15 watt wireless smartphone charging pad. PR.

LG Innotek said Wednesday that it has succeeded in mass-producing the world's first 15-watt wireless smartphone charging pads, which charges handsets from zero to 50 percent in 30 minutes. 

The top-tier camera module manufacturer said the new charging pad will particularly help the company diversify its revenue streams in the North American and European markets where demand for wireless chargers run higher than that of Korea.

"This proves that LG Innotek has the world's best wireless charging technology," Huh Sung, vice president of the firm's electronic components division, said in a statement. "As a wireless charging module is directly related with conveniences and safety of handset users, we will meet customer expectations with advanced performance and perfect product quality."

The company said the quick wireless charging pad will be available for customers in North America, Europe and Australia in mid-October.

LG Innotek stressed that the latest achievement is meaningful, as the 15-watt charging pad is three times faster in speed than existing 5-watt charging modules.

The new pad also guarantees safety for its customers, as the pad is equipped with a special sensor used to measure the temperature of the smartphone, the company said. This will help reduce the risk of possible battery explosions, as the sensor suspends electric power supplies to batteries when the temperature reaches a certain level, LG Innotek added.

According to market research firm TSR, global sales of the wireless charging transmitter-receiver module was some $553 million (627.8 billion won) in 2015 and will surge to 2.2 billion in 2019.

Press Release:
LG Innotek Introduces the Quick Wireless Charging Pad

LG Innotek announced the commercialization of a 15 W (Watt) wireless charging pad for the first time in the world. This product allows you to charge your smartphone as fast as when using a wired charging module.

The wireless charging pad is device supplies electric power to smartphone in a slim pad form. If you put the smartphone on the pad, make sure that your phone supports wireless charging; the pad starts to charge battery.

The product will be sold in North America, Europe, and Australia in the middle of this month by the global smartphone accessory manufacturer.

The 15 W wireless charging pad’s charging speed is three times faster than an existing 5 W wireless charging module. It can charge a completely depleted battery to the level of 50% within 30 minutes because it supplies 15W power to smartphone battery equal to wired quick charger.

Also, this product boasts high compatibility and can be used with most of the wireless charg-ing smartphones currently available in the market. It meets the standards of Wireless Power Consortium (WPC), an international standardization organization for wireless charging.

LG Innotek applied the technology to prevent the pad from overheating during charging. So it can even reduce the risk of the explosion of the battery and performance degradation of the smartphone.

The embedded sensor measures the temperature the point where touch the smartphone and suspends the supplement of the electric power when it reaches a certain level.

LG Innotek expects the demand for function of wireless charging due to the mass-producing 15W wireless charge pad. If the company optimize design of the module for application, for example, automobiles and furniture, it can be used by the embedded type.

Marketing research firm, TSR (Techno Systems Research), reports the sales of the wireless charging transmitter-receiver module was 553 million dollar in 2015 and will increase to 2.2 billion in 2019.

Sung Huh, a head of electronic components business division, said, “We proved that we had the world best wireless charging technology”. He also said, “As a wireless charging module is directly related to the convenience and safety of the users, we will meet the expectations of our customers with advanced performance and perfect product quality.” 



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