This app offers in app purchases. You may disable in app purchases using your device settings.
With countless buildings and vivid, 3D-quality graphics, this is the most realistic city builder on mobile. Place buildings strategically to keep the taxes flowing and your city growing. Pinch, zoom, and rotate 360 degrees as you manage and expand your city on the go – both online and offline.
Create resources and build up your skyline. Then trade resources with friends and other cities. Complete boat orders and ship cargo from your airport. Build Tokyo-style neighborhoods and unlock exclusive buildings like the Empire State Building and the Arc de Triomphe. Expand along the beach with a marina, waterpark, and more. Even unleash natural and not-so-natural disasters, like UFOs!
Solve real life challenges like traffic, fires, and pollution. Provide services like power plants and police departments to meet your citizens’ needs, and boost your population with parks and education. Keep traffic moving with grand avenues and streetcars. Complete fun challenges to shape your society.
Application Name: SimCity BuildIt
Current Version: 1.5.6
Updated: Aug 05, 2015
Size: 97.8 MB
Compatibility: Requires iOS 7.0 or later. Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. This app is optimized for iPhone 5, iPhone 6, and iPhone 6 Plus.
iTunes Url:
Best Chart Rankings
#1 in Strategy Games (iPhone) on Jan 8, 2015
#1 in Strategy Games (iPad) on Jul 22, 2015
#1 in Simulation Games (iPhone) on Mar 7, 2015
#1 in Simulation Games (iPad) on May 17, 2015
#11 in Kids Games (iPhone) on Dec 22, 2014
#1 in Kids Games (iPad) on Dec 21, 2014
#4 in Top Games (iPhone) on Jan 8, 2015
#1 in Top Games (iPad) on Dec 24, 2014
#11 in Top Apps (iPhone) on Dec 22, 2014
#1 in Top Apps (iPad) on Dec 21, 2014
App Activity
Version 1.5.6 Aug 05 '15
Version 1.5.5 Jul 28 '15
Version 1.2.23 Jan 12 '15
New App: Free, v1.2.19 Dec 16 '14
Hack for Non-Jailbroken and Jailbroken.
- Unlimited SimCash
ДОБРО ПОЖАЛОВАТЬ, МЭР! Постройте собственный живой и красивый город, в котором жители будут процветать. По мере развития города потребности его жителей будут расти, а ваша задача - удовлетворять их. Это абсолютно новый SimCity, созданный специально для мобильных устройств!
WILLKOMMEN, BÜRGERMEISTER Bau eine wunderbare, pulsierende Stadt, in der sich die Sims entwickeln können. Je größer und ausgeklügelter die Infrastruktur ist, umso mehr Bedürfnisse haben die Bürger. Es ist deine Aufgabe, alle zufriedenzustellen. Das ist ein brandneues SimCity, frisch aufgelegt für Mobilgeräte!
BIENVENUE ! Construisez votre propre ville, une ville pleine de vie dans laquelle vos citoyens s'épanouiront. Plus votre ville se développe et devient complexe, plus vos citoyens ont des besoins. Et c'est à vous de les satisfaire. Voici une toute nouvelle version de SimCity, réimaginée pour mobile !
BENVENUTO, SINDACO! Costruisci la tua meravigliosa e vivace città, dove la tua popolazione prospererà. Più la tua città diventerà grande e complessa, più bisogni avranno i tuoi cittadini, e sarà compito tuo renderli felici. Questo è un SimCity completamento nuovo e reinventato per mobile!
¡BIENVENIDO, ALCALDE! Construye tu propia ciudad llena de vida y permite que tus habitantes prosperen. Cuanto más grande y compleja se vuelve tu ciudad, más necesidades tendrán tus ciudadanos y de ti depende tenerlos felices. ¡Este es un SimCity totalmente renovado, reimaginado para móvil!
ようこそ、市長! あなただけの、美しく賑やかで、市民がいきいきと暮らす都市を作りましょう。 都市がより大きく入り組んだものになるほど、市民の欲求も増えていきます。市民が幸せに暮らせるかは、あなた次第。 「シムシティ」の完全新作がモバイル版で登場!
시장님 환영합니다! 시민들이 행복하게 살아가는 아름답고 활기찬 도시를 건설하세요. 도시가 성장하고 복잡해질수록 시민들의 요구는 늘어납니다. 그들을 행복하게 해주는 것은 시장님에게 달려 있습니다. 이 앱은 모바일용으로 재창조된 새로운 심시티 게임입니다!
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