Just days after releasing OS 12 for OnePlus One handsets, Cyanogen has started rolling out the update for Yu Yureka owners, too. The company says the Android Lollipop-based update should reach all Yureka handsets within the next three days.
Our Lollipop ('L') update is rolling out to YUREKA owners today. Treat yourself to OS 12. @YuPlayGod #CyanogenOS http://t.co/vVnnSo0ppW
Cyanogen (@cyngn) April 16, 2015
"The Cyanogen OS 12 update is a product of our passion and dedication towards reinventing and redefining the consumer experience and I am extremely excited to share it with our community," said Rahul Sharma, Founder of Yu Televentures, which is a Micromax-owned brand.
In addition to Lollipop-specific features, like Material Design and Android Runtime, the update also brings along a new App Themer, which lets users set a new theme for each app, as well as Cyanogen's own Boxer email client.
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