Samsung Galaxy J1 was announced about two weeks ago and is already available for purchase in India. Today, Samsung India announced an upgraded version of the device with faster CPU and 4G LTE support.
We were tipped a while ago that more Galaxy J1 versions are coming, including a quad-core one. This turned out indeed true as Samsung India revealed a new Galaxy J1 4G with better processor. The Galaxy J1 4G packs a 4.3" WVGA display, runs on a quad-core 1.2GHz CPU with 768MB RAM, and comes with 4GB of expandable storage.
The rest of the specs of Galaxy J1 4G include 5MP rear cam, 4G LTE connectivity, dual-SIM, 1,850 mAh battery and Android 4.4 KitKat OS.
Samsung Galaxy J1 4G will hit the shelves in March in blue, white and black colors. The expected retail price is INR 9,990 or 140.
Two 4G-capable smartphones will launch in India side by side with the Galaxy J1 4G this March - the Galaxy Grand Prime and Galaxy Core Prime. They both will cost the same as the Galaxy J1 4G - INR 9,990.
from gsmarena
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