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Facebook redesigned its Like and Share buttons last month, and the result has been a slight rise in clicks, all thanks to its international users.
Exclusive data released to Mashable Monday revealed that Facebook has seen a 5% increase in clicks on Like and Share buttons since deploying the new design, according to a company spokesperson. The buttons, which appear on more than 7.5 million third-party websites, are viewed by Internet users more than 22 billion times per day.
Facebook did not share details on the specific number of clicks, but did break down some geographic data regarding those who use the buttons online. In fact, 80% of all Like and Share engagement takes place outside of the United States, which makes sense considering 83% of Facebook's monthly active users are outside of the U.S. and Canada.
The Asia-Pacific and Western European regions accounted for the largest share of the clicks, claiming 21% each. Like and Share buttons are least popular in the Middle East, which only accounted for 3% of all engagement.
Here's a breakdown of the stats:
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Image: Flickr, Ksayer1
Topics: Facebook, redesign, Social Media
via Technology - Google News http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNHXIFeKth2R8ccS0mh8NuNXpp05_Q&url=http://mashable.com/2013/12/16/facebooks-like-share-clicks/
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