Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Yahoo to encrypt internal traffic following NSA revelations - Telegraph.co.uk

Both Google and Yahoo secure their data centres with state-of-the-art heat sensors, videos cameras, even in some cases, iris scanning technology.

Once servers pass their prime at Google, employees smash them with steel pistons before putting them through industrial shredders and then recycling, to make sure no data is left behind.

But that data moves internally on fibre optic cables owned by Internet service providers, which Google executives believe is how intelligence agencies may be tapping them.

Yahoo's Mayer added: "As we have said before, we will continue to evaluate how we can protect our users' privacy and their data."

In September Mayer said she was "proud to be part of an organisation that from the beginning, in 2007, has been sceptical of – and has been scrutinising – those requests [from the NSA]."

Google announced plans to encrypt all its internal communications before the NSA revelations, but they were "accelerated" in June after the Edward Snowden leaks.

via Technology - Google News http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNFKnkZ--3KDGZbnkg1GD7zScMhXQA&url=http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/internet-security/10459081/Yahoo-to-encrypt-internal-traffic-following-NSA-revelations.html


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