While you were sleeping last night, Motorola launched a new handset, the Moto G. Sporting a similar design to the US-only Moto X, the new G is meant to be cheap and targeted at the rest of the world.
The Moto G will come in two versions, 8GB (US$179) and 16GB (US$199). The handset runs off a quad-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 400 processor, features a 4.5-inch 720p display and ships with Android 4.3 (Jelly Bean).
According to Android Authority, aside from the U.S., the smartphone will launch in Asia as well in the next few weeks, and will hit Hong Kong and Singapore in the first wave. For those living in India, Indonesia and Malaysia, the G will arrive in the second wave that's set for early January next year.
Be sure to check out our hands-on for more information about the handset.
About the author
Aloysius Low is a Senior Writer at CNET Asia and covers all things mobile. A former World of Warcraft addict, he now dabbles in social media to stave off the withdrawal symptoms. As a lover of all things furry, he's also the unfortunate slave/minion of two adorable cats.
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