Lenovo has recently launched its Yoga Tab in the Indian market. It is an Android tablet which comes in two display size variations which includes an 8-inch variant and another 10-inch variant. The former is priced at Rs. 22,999 while the one with a slightly larger display is priced at Rs. 28,999.
Apart from the display size there is no significant difference between these tablets and both have the same display resolution of 1280×800 pixels. The 3G variant of these tablets will be powered by a MediaTek MT8389 quad-core processor.
The tablets further include 1GB of RAM, a 5 megapixels rear camera and a VGA front-facing camera. The have 16GB of built-in storage capacity which can be further expanded using a microSD card. Lenovo claims that these can last more than 18 hours after a full charge.
The Lenovo Yoga Tab will come pre-loaded with Android 4.2 Jelly Bean and sports a cylindrical edge which holds the battery. This not only works as a stand but also provides better grip to hold the tablet, it is designed to distribute most weight towards the cylindrical portion. The 8-inch version will also include cellular voice calling capability.
Lenovo is further offering and accessory bundle with these tablet which include a sleeve cover, screen protector and earphone. The bundle for the 8-inch Yoga Tab costs Rs. 4,000 while the bundle costs Rs. 5,000 for the 10-inch variant. This is only available for those who purchase the tablet before November 24.
via Technology - Google News http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNEAavyKZ8GasDIOoAgxJkU6afjxLA&url=http://gigjets.com/11/14117-lenovo-yoga-tablet-launched-in-india-price-starts-from-rs-22999/
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