With days of going on pre-order, two new dual-SIM Android phones from Sony and HTC are now available in the Indian market. We are talking about Sony's Xperia C and HTC Desire 500, which can now be purchased from various online retailers like Saholic and Infibeam at pretty much the same price i.e. around INR 20,500.
Both the smartphones run on Android 4.2, however are powered by different quad-core processors. While HTC Desire 500 packs Qualcomm made Snapdragon 200, Xperia C comes with MediaTek's MTK6589.
Among other specifications, HTC Desire 500 features a 4.3-inch WVGA display, 1800 mAh battery, 8MP rear camera and 1.6MP front camera. On the other hand Xperia C comes with 5-inch qHD display, 2330 mAh battery, 8MP rear camera and 0.3MP front camera.
A few months ago, these smartphones might have got a price-tag around INR 16-17K, but the recent depreciation in the value of dollar, has resulted in a clearly higher price-tag. We have seen similar highly pricing for almost every recent smartphone launch and especially in high-end and mid-range phones.
via Technology - Google News http://news.google.com/news/url?sa=t&fd=R&usg=AFQjCNGYWl4-RVbIlPDYzwYMXivWYjfwSQ&url=http://www.androidos.in/2013/10/htc-desire-500-sony-xperia-c-dual-sim-android-phones-now-available-india/
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