Last year, Apple has raised the display size of iPhone 5 to 4 inches from the prior 3.5 inches. (Apple)
iPhone lovers who always wished to have a much bigger screen might have their dreams come alive when Apple Inc. launches its most awaited 1Phone 6 as forecasted by Jefferies analyst Peter Misek.
Soon after the brief meet with the Apple's Asian suppliers, Misek issued a note to investors on Monday saying the iPhone 6 would offer a 4.8-inch screen. Obviously a great news as currently the iPhones come with only 4 inch display screen.
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Though the analyst did not disclose the reason behind his prediction, he mentioned in his note that the new screen size would drive a huge number of upgrades.
"We think the 85M iPhones eligible for an upgrade when the iPhone 6 launches (we think Apple is targeting Sep 2014) could be boosted by another 5-10M from people who skipped the 5S/5C cycle," Misek wrote.
On the downside, iPhone 5C sales have been weak, according to Misek. As such, manufacturing builds are being slashed to 15 million to 20 million from 30 million, he said.
On the plus size, that could lead to an even larger number of upgraders who gravitate toward the iPhone 6.
In the past, Apple has lost significant market share to the Android phones having larger display size.
Last year, Apple has raised the display size of iPhone 5 to 4 inches from the prior 3.5 inches, so time is right for another development.
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